Sunday, August 30, 2009

3 Months old and ROLLING

Presley started rolling a few days ago. So neat. Here's a video:

She's THREE MONTHS OLD on Tuesday. Amazing! She's a great sleeper, full time cloth diapered (even at night!), and still exclusively breastfed. She's got seriously red hair (thicker and longer, hasn't fallen out at all). She loves music, especially Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Elvis. She likes to sit up assisted, play with some toys, take warm baths, and go to PJ's coffee house with her grandmother.
She falls asleep in her ring sling or moby and takes 1 bottle of expressed breastmilk Monday-Thursday like a champ (FINALLY). She likes to stick her tongue out, put her hands in her mouth, and coo. She enjoys being held FACING OUT ONLY, THANKS. She has long eyelashes and non-existent blond eyebrows. She dislikes pacifiers, bouncer seats, swings, bumbos, and any other artificial holding device. She sleeps 9pm-12am, 12am-7am and follows a loose eat, play, sleep schedule throughout the day (self-imposed). She eats every 2-3 hours (sleeping for about 2 of those hours) and still has hair on her ears. She is on a delayed/selective vaccine schedule and smiles when I smile at her. She loves when she's told she's beautiful and her nickname is often Olive.

Here are a few pictures:

She usually slumps over a bit and does not enjoy this for longer than 3 minutes. We won't be needing it, really, for another 3 months AT LEAST but it's still fun to play!

With her Uncle.

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